After assessment of your Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction, Dr Tan-Gore may advise for your to consider:
Injection of Neurotoxin into your muscles of mastication to manage hyperfunction, pain, muscle spasm or headaches
Injection of Steroid into your joint to decrease inflammation and reduce pain
These treatments are performed in rooms. You will be able to drive home after the procedure
You may be required to fill out a script and to bring the medication with you to your appointment. Dr Tan-Gore will advise if this is necessary.
The injections are directed into either the muscles of mastication or directly into the joint
Infection post injection is uncommon
Bleeding into the injection site can cause bruising and swelling. This should settle in 1-2 weeks
Some of the risks of the procedure are due to inadvertent migration of product to the surrounding areas. This may cause temporary symptoms such as:
Facial droop
Inability to close one eye
Asymmetrical smile
Decreased bite force
Permanent nerve injury is rare
The treatment is not a permanent solution and further treatments may be required
Do not excessive move your jaw or face after the procedure. It is important the medication stays in the area that it was injected. Excessive and exaggerated movements in the initial phase of treatment can cause unwanted migration of the medication to other areas.
Avoid strenuous exercise for 2 days.
You may feel more comfortable have a soft diet for a few days
Avoid touching your face excessively for 2 days
You may have a headache after treatment – use simple analgesia to manage this
Use only gentle pressure when cleansing your face or applying makeup
Full effect of the medication takes 2 weeks
Dr Tan-Gore will review you in 2 weeks
If you have any questions, please email: and Dr Tan-Gore will respond when she is able.
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